Clinical Audit
All Specialised Burn Care Services in England and Wales have to operate as part of a Burn Care ODN. Services are expected to actively engage in SWUK ODN meetings and support training, service development, audit and clinical events.
All services have to submit an agreed minimum dataset to the approved National Burns Clinical Data Registry for all patients within six weeks of discharge from the burns service.
It is vitally important that burn services manage and treat sufficient patients with burn injuries to ensure that all members of the burns multi-disciplinary team maintain their clinical competencies associated with burn care. Therefore, the ODNs review activity information on behalf of NHS England to ensure activity levels meet a specific level relevant to the burn service's designation.
Regional & National Mortality & Morbidity (M&M) Audit Meetings
It is the responsibility of all Burn Care ODNs in England and Wales to conduct regular mortality and morbidity audits. All Burn Care ODNs hold a Regional M&M audit meeting at least once a year. This is the mandatory, upper level of audit for burns and all burn services present all mortality cases.
In 2015, the National Burns ODN Group, which consists of ODN Leads and Network Managers from each of the four Burn Care ODNs, agreed to hold its first National M&M audit meeting. Although this is not mandatory, all the Burn Care ODNs agreed that this additional tier of scrutiny is an excellent example of good clinical governance and a tremendous learning opportunity for burns professionals.
Both Regional and National meetings invite independent Chairs to lead the day and provide feedback and recommendations.