
National Standards for Provision of Adult & Paediatric Burn Care 2023

The new ‘National Standards for Provision of Adult and Paediatric Burn Care’ 2023 have been produced by the Burn Standards Review Group (BSRG) which is collaboration between the British Burn Association (BBA) and the four Burn Care Networks covering England and Wales. This document will be used by NHS England commissioners and the Major Trauma CRG, to inform the commissioning service specification for specialised burn care.

The standards cover the entire burn care pathway and aims to provide the means to measure the capability of individual burn services as a whole in which they operate. By defining standards, a governance framework is established against which it is possible to measure the quality of burn care that patients receive, regardless of their point of entry into a specialist Burn Care Service.

You can read the standards on the British Burn Association website: Standards – British Burn Association

New Service Specifics for Adult and Paediatric Burn Services 2023

The new services specifications for adult and paediatric burn services are now available via the Major Trauma and Burns Clinical Reference Group web page NHS commissioning » Major trauma and burns (