SWUK Regional Education

British Burn Association - Emergency Management of Severe Burns (EMSB)

This course is based on the principle that timely emergency assessment, resuscitation and transfer provide the best chance of recovery in patients with burns.  The aim of this course is to provide sufficient factual information regarding the presentation, diagnosis and initial management of the patient with severe burns, to enable medical and nursing practitioners to deal competently with this urgent and often life threatening problem.  The course is appropriate for medical and nursing practitioners who might be required to provide initial management to patients with severe burn injuries eg those working anywhere in the field of burn care, anaesthesia, trauma, pre-hospital and emergency medicine as well as those working in isolated areas.

The SWUK ODN aims to deliver at least one British Burn Association EMSB Candidate Course a year in the South West and South Wales.  

SWUK ODN region EMSB course dates:

Cardiff EMSB Course - To be advised

Bristol EMSB Course - To be advised

Details and dates for EMSB courses nationally are available on the British Burn Association's website.

Foundations in Burn Care - Swansea University

The Foundations in Burn Care module (40 credits Level 6 - SHG3103) is designed to expand diverse professional knowledge and enhance clinical reasoning and the skills of practitioners working within the specialties of burns. The intention of the module is to focus on the development of the clinical nursing skills required to provide safe and effective care of the burn injured patient. The module is run collaboratively with staff from Abertawe Bro-Morgannwg University (ABMU) Health Board (HB) and is offered to new staff in working in burn care practice.

This module is suitable for nurses working in specialist Burns Centres / Units. Nurses undertaking the module will need to be involved in the care of such patients in order to meet the learning outcomes and assessment strategy.

Details and course dates for the Foundations in Burn Care Course are available on the Swansea University website.